About me

I currently am a Staff Bioinformatics Scientist at Illumina inc.

Previously I was a Postdoc at the University of Florida under the supervision of Prof. Christina Boucher. I am currently working on pangenomics short read alignment. Within this context I developed MONI, that is a pangenomic index that can efficiently find maximal exact matches (MEMs) on hundreds of human genomes.

Previously I had a Pre-Postdoc position at the University of Helsinki, where I was a member of the “Gen­ome-scale al­gorithmics” group under the supervision of Prof. Veli Mäk­inen.

I obtained my Ph.D. in Computer science from the University of Verona, with a thesis on “Algorithms and Data Structures for Coding, Indexing, and Mining of Sequential Data “under the supervision of Prof. Ferdinando Cicalese and Prof. Zsuzsanna Lipták.

During my Ph.D. I spent five months at the University of Helsinki in the “Compressed data structures” group hosted by Prof. Simon J. Puglisi.

I obtained my MSc In Computer Science and Engineering from the University of Verona and my BSc in Computer Science and Automation Engineering from Marche Polytechnic University.